Are the membership fees expensive?
There are no membership fees. You just pay your competition fees as you play.
Is it expensive to play and what do I get for my fees?
The costs to play depends the venue for the competition. The fees for this years schedule
range from $60 to $150. Your competition fee includes your round of golf, good quality
prizes and in some cases, a motorised cart. Most of our members enjoy a couple of drinks
together after their round.
How often can I play?
Our annual schedule normally comprises 20 events, about one every two or three weeks. You can play as many, or a few as you like. Some of golfers only play the cheaper courses, some prefer the more glamorous venues and some like to play in all of them.
Is The Tour Fore Golfers suitable for both men and women?
Most certainly. Both men and women, are equally welcome.
Do I need to be a good golfer?
Our membership includes golfers of all abilities from ‘A’ grade (including PGA Pro’s) to beginners, but you need to be aware of basic rules and golf etiquette and be able to play at the same pace as the group ahead of you.
Do I need an official golf handicap?
Most members of The Tour Fore Golfers have an official Golf Australia (GA)handicap or are in the process of getting one. We encourage our members to get an official handicap which we can help arrange, manage and maintain, but it is not compulsory.
What sort of people play golf with The Tour Fore Golfers?
The membership of The Tour Fore Golfers is open to all age groups, abilities and walks of life. Our members enjoy their golf, the friendly competition the social interaction after their round.
Does The Tour Fore Golfers exclude anyone from participating?
We expect all our members to maintain high standards of dress and behaviour and comply with the standards set by the golf clubs we visit. No footy socks or shorts and no heavy drinking on course!!
How can I get more information about The Tour Fore Golfers?
You can email phone or SMS 0421 796 716